๐๐ž๐ซ๐ญ ๐‡๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ซ: โ€œ๐ˆ ๐€๐ฅ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฐโ€ ๐๐จ๐ž๐ฆ

I allow anything to happen,
I allow it, things start like this,
develop like this, and end like this
because I know that
all things are caused by the combination of fate
and everything happens,
if I think it should be another way
May hurt, but myself
the only thing I can do
is allow

I allow someone to be who he is
and I allow him to think this way and judge
me and treat me this way
because I know
he is who
he is and he is right
if I think he should be otherwise
A look that hurts, just myself
the only thing I can do
is allow

I allow my thoughts like this
I allow each thought to exist,
let it exist, let it disappear
because I know that
the thought itself is meaningless
and has nothing to do with me
It should come and go,
if I think it should not
The only thing I can do is allow
myself to be hurt by such thoughts

I allow my emotions to arise
I allow each emotion to happen
and let it go,
because I know that
emotions are just physical sensations that are
neither good nor bad
The more I resist, the stronger I feel
Emotional hurt like this shouldnโ€™t happen, just myself
the only thing I can do
is allow

I allow it to be what
I am I allow it
to be what I do I do what I do
because I know
what it looks like on the outside,
itโ€™s just a build up of me
The real me, Iโ€™m smart enough
If I think it should be something else
Hurt, just myself
the only thing I can do
is allow

I know that
I am here for the experience of life
in the present moment
and the only thing I have to do in each present moment is
to fully allow
to fully experience fully
to enjoy seeing, just watching

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