




觉心宇 Jan 25, 2024

Soul learns and grows in this world

Today, on my way home, the skytrain is busy as usual,
But I can’t stop at the station close to home,
As it’s closed due to a medical incident,
Actually, it’s caused by an incident of suicide.

Life is a journey of exploration and learning in this world,
Hoping that the soul can grow through the arranged experiences.
May his soul complete the predetermined path,
And embark on the next exploration and growth journey in the cycle.

As he passed by me at the end of his life,
Please accept my care and blessings for your next life:
“May your soul receive a sincere embrace from my soul,
This is actually the heart of the universe, full of infinite compassion and love.”

In this universe, the eternal existence of your soul, my soul,
You, me, them, and us are the interconnected world of oneness.

Soul Awakening, Jan 25, 2024

T-sky2018: I was on call with my sister, she heard the person get hit by the train and someone witnessed the person jump. https://www.reddit.com/user/T-sky2018/

Keshie u/Intelligent-Path6735: i saw it happen irl when i was taking the skytrain to king george. It happened right infront of the waterfront skytrain and it was honestly the worst thing ive ever seen so far.

Keshie u/Intelligent-Path6735: apologies for the lack of clarity i was at the metro town station heading back home. i was in front of the train that leads to the king george station and i saw a train coming up right behind me that goes to waterfront through patterson. I was about to turn my head back and i suddenly saw this guy in a white hoodie i think jump infront of the train and its still making me feel weird and not hungry https://www.reddit.com/user/Intelligent-Path6735/

TrashGourmand: I have PTSD from witnessing this and get panic attacks in underground stations and start thinking people around me are about to jump. It’s so fucking sad that our city refuses to put up safety barriers.

divs_l3g3nd: I was on the train today, luckily was near the back and didn’t see it happen but I knew right away once the train stopped and they said an obstruction was on the tracks. Don’t really know how to feel about it, everyone at the station was surprisingly calm, not even really caring about what happened and more concerned about trying to get on to the train going east.

Lexie u/galacticmin: My friend was there at the train and witnessed the person jumping in front of him. He saw this all with his eyes. He’s so traumatized right now and I immediately told him to seek trauma counselling after this.

Lexie u/galacticmin: I just had such a gut feeling when I saw the post in this sub about it I had to warn my friends. Turns out he was the eyewitness to the jump. Person right in front of him.